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学名:Phorinia denticulata
Body length 7.5–9.5 mm. Male Head. Face, lower part of parafacial and gena with silvery white pollinosity; fronto-orbital plate and upper part of parafacial with golden pollinosity; frontal vitta, scape, pedicel and first flagellomere black or dark brown; palpus yellow. Vertex ~0.27×?head width; frontal vitta ~0.5×?as wide as fronto-orbital plate at middle; parafacial ~0.5×?as wide as width of first flagellomere at middle height; gena ~0.22×?eye height; anterior reclinate orbital seta situated near middle of fronto-orbital plate; antenna with first flagellomere 3.5–4.0×?as long as wide and 3.5–4.3×?as long as pedicel; second aristomere 3–4×?as long as wide and ~1/11 as long as third. Thorax. Dorsum with dense yellow pollinosity; pleura black or pale brown in ground color, with silvery white pollinosity. 3+4 dc. Wing. Relative lengths of costal sectors second, third and fourth ~4: 8: 3.5; M between dm-cu and r-m ~2×?as long as that from dm-cu to its bend; ultimate section of CuA1 ~0.3×?as long as penultimate section and subequal in length to dm-cu. Legs. Fore tibia with 4–5 ad setae; hind tibia with 7–13 ad setae of unequal length, 4–7 pd setae of unequal length, 4–6 v setae. Abdomen. Anterior 1/2–2/3 of third and fourth terga with densely grayish white or pale yellowish pollinosity; anterior 1/4–1/3 of fifth tergum with dark brown pollinosity on median part, grayish white pollinosity on side. Postabdomen. Surstylus very narrowed at basal 1/4 in lateral view and curved outward at basal 1/4 in dorsal view; cerci narrowed on apical 1/3 in lateral view; hypandrial arms fused narrowly with each other; pregonite curved ventrally and pointed apically; postgonite curved ventrally and pointed at apex, with some large spinules along dorsal margin; epiphallus short and rounded apically. Female Unknown.